Home News KICC and Parcel of Land Declared Government Property by Court

KICC and Parcel of Land Declared Government Property by Court


KICC and Parcel of Land Declared Government Property by Court


In a landmark ruling, the High Court has declared that the Kenyatta International Convention Centre (KICC) and the parcel of land it sits on belong to the government. The decision comes after a prolonged legal battle over the ownership of the iconic building and its prime location in the heart of Nairobi.


In delivering the judgment, Justice Mary Kasango emphasized the importance of the KICC as a national asset. “The Kenyatta International Convention Centre is a vital national asset that serves a significant role in promoting tourism and international conferences. It is imperative that such a property remains under the ownership of the government to safeguard its strategic importance,” she stated.


The case was brought before the High Court following claims by private entities that they held rightful ownership of the land on which KICC stands. These claims were based on alleged historical transactions that purportedly transferred ownership from the government to private hands. However, the court found these claims to be unfounded and lacking in credible evidence.


The Attorney General, who represented the government in this case, argued that KICC and the land it occupies have always been government property. “The government has maintained continuous possession and control over the KICC since its construction. There is no legitimate basis for any private ownership claims,” said the Attorney General.


The ruling is expected to have a positive impact on the operations of KICC, ensuring that the management can continue to focus on its mandate without the distraction of ownership disputes. KICC CEO, Nana Gecaga, welcomed the decision, stating, “This ruling provides clarity and security for KICC. We can now proceed with our plans to enhance the facility and attract more international events, which will greatly benefit the economy.”


The public has largely welcomed the ruling, with many expressing relief that the landmark building will remain a national asset. “KICC is a symbol of our nation’s heritage and progress. It belongs to all Kenyans, and it is only right that it remains under government ownership,” said Nairobi resident, John Mwangi.


Legal experts believe that this ruling sets a significant precedent for future cases involving public properties. “This decision reaffirms the principle that vital national assets should be protected from private ownership claims. It underscores the need for clear and transparent property records to prevent similar disputes,” noted property lawyer, Susan Njoroge.


The High Court’s decision marks a definitive end to the controversy surrounding the ownership of the Kenyatta International Convention Centre, ensuring that it remains a key national asset for generations to come.

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